Please take the time to answer these questions thoroughly (either click on the link above or read below). The responses are both for you to better understand your writing, and for us since this is the first time we’ve used blogs in the classroom.
1. Describe the ways in which knowing your work would be public, able to be read by members of the class and anyone else on the internet, affected your writing.
2. Describe the process of learning how to create and maintain a blog worked for you. What are some of the particular challenges or successes you had?
3. Describe the process of researching, using the various databases and electronic tools available to you. Were you able to successfully navigate them?
4. Describe your work with the final presentation. Do you feel like you were able to fully express your thoughts and ideas? Were there things you wanted to do but couldn’t because of the software? Are there other ideas you have for what you would have liked to do?
5. How would you describe the connection between what you learned during these past three weeks and the ways you were asked to read, write, and present about it? In what ways was this more effective or more challenging or otherwise different from or similar to the ways we usually work in this class?
6. Do you feel like you received adequate assistance during the process? Were the different steps explained to you? Did you receive help and guidance that helped you to be successful?
7. What else should we know about this process for you? Is this the kind of thing you want to do more of during class? What ideas do you have for how to use blogs in our class in the future? Do you plan on maintaining your blog?
** Please type out your response and submit it on Wednesday.
Saints Row the third Review
13 years ago
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